Hello Fellow Writers!
Yesterday was the first day of NaNoWriMo. I went to a write-in, which was very fun, although I'm pretty sure I would have gotten more writing done at home! I literally put in ear plugs and just typed for a while to make sure I got something accomplished, because it was very easy to get pulled into fun conversation about our novels.
The problem with talking about writing is... you're not actually writing. Writer's write! Yesterday I wrote 2,413 words. I hope to beat that today since DH is working very late. As long as the baby doesn't act up, that is - in which case I'll be out of luck because there will be no one to relieve me.
Novelist and blogger Cory Doctorow says it very well in this video. He warns us not to be the type of writer who needs to go through a whole routine and be in the perfect mood to write, because ultimately when you look back at your work you won't be able to tell the difference between the work you did when you weren't feeling it and the work you did when you felt your muse was with you, filling you with inspiration! As he says "A writer is someone who writes, not someone who complains about writing." Amen, brother.
Today I will be continuing my goal of writing a 50,000K novel in a month. I need to write at least 1667 words each day to do that, but I want to beat yesterday's word count of 2,413.
Wish me luck, and good luck to you too!
Yours Truly,
Shoshanna Evers
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