I've been a very naughty blogger. I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I used to and/or should. Real life has gotten in the way, I suppose. I moved to Florida, and almost three weeks later I'm still surrounded by boxes. When I have a spare moment I want to write or edit... and the blog posts have fallen by the wayside.
I'm not sure how much of an effect blogging has on my book sales, to be honest. Actually, I am sure. There's been very little correlation between how much I blog and how many book I sell. I couldn't be sure of that before when I was only publishing through publishers, but now that I've added self-publishing to the mix I'm able to view my sales in real time, and I can see if I get a spike in sales or not based on my online efforts.
I've found, (and you may find something different, perhaps) that I'll sell books based on Tweeting a tagline and link on Twitter, but not if the same thing is on Facebook, and not if the same thing is in a blog post. Posting excerpts might result in a few sales, but it's hard to tell. Every sale counts, yes, and more importantly every reader counts.
Don't worry - I'm not giving up on blogging - because I enjoy having a long-form communication with other writers and readers (and I'm definitely not giving up on Facebook because I love seeing you guys on there!) But I'm no longer frantic that if I forget to update my blog for a month (or *cough* longer, oops!) that everything I've worked for will go to waste. It's kind of a nice feeling! :)
Speaking of blog posts, I'm still posting once a month over at Flirty Author Bitches. This month I shared all four of my new book covers for my upcoming Dominatrix Fantasy Series! What do you think?